Why Choose Dr Moses

Over the past 25 years, Dr. Moses has incorporated a blend of massage, body work, breath coaching, low force chiropractic, myofascial therapy, and home self care tools and techniques to help people achieve better movement, better feeling, and better joy in their day to day lives. For this reason, he has gained the nickname - “The Massage Doc”. Unlike many specialist that are spending fifteen to twenty minutes looking to see how they can provide a single therapy to your localized problem, Dr Moses generally starts with a customized therapeutic and evaluatory massage session geared to helping discover and reduce simple distortions that can appear to be postural dysfunctions. Once these distortions are removed, he is then able to schedule a more detailed postural and movement assessment that can last between an hour to and hour and a half. During this time Dr. Moses will evaluate, test, treat, and re-test your entire posture systems to see what combination of therapies are going to be key to helping your posture improve, so your movement and overall health improves.

Why spend this amount of time on the whole body, when most providers focus only on treatments to a single or chief area of complaint? Simple - everything is connected, and the area of discomfort or dysfunction on your body is most likely not the underlying problem, but the area of fatigue and collapse when you could no longer figure out how to compensate and adapt. By focusing on the whole person, Dr Moses can help you uncover hidden movement and posture dysfunctions, that when resolved - allow you to perform at a higher level, and begin the journey of helping you transition to self care and supportive care to help maintain that improvement, and continue to become stronger and healthier.