Medical Massage

the Postural Puzzle

Over the past decade, the term Medical Massage has become ever more popular. At its roots, medical massage differs from other forms of massage in that the purpose and intent was the treatment and correction of complex medical conditions that existed beyond the realm of simple muscle aches and generalized stress. Unlike many massage therapist that simply provide massage under the order of a physician and call it medical massage, true medical massage is performed with the hands of an actual physician.

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After completing his training under the guidance of Carole Madsen, LMT & Master Lee Joseph, Dr. Moses began his career specializing in unique conditions related to the negative impacts of surgeries, accidents and injuries, postnatal conditions, and even illness and its impact on the body, the bodies movement, and the physio-emotional impact of postural and myofascial distortions. With this foundation well established, Dr. Moses began studying at Logan University and eventually achieved his Doctor of Chiropractic in 2003. With the unique blend of Chiropractic Medicine and prior Medical Massage and Body Work expertise - Dr. Moses has created a truly unique approach to understanding the intricate puzzle between posture, balance, body, and mindfulness.

Unique Aspects of Medical Massage

A traditional massage client have become accustomed to sixty and ninety minute massages with the focus on relaxation and general support of feeling good. While this is still an important aspect of Medical Massage, some key difference still stand out.

One of them is the notion that not only will traditional draping and sheet work be used, but often you may be treated while wearing loose fitting cotton clothing to help facilitate different types of care. The addition of clothed body work is geared toward the correction of postural distortions which may need to be assessed and or treated standing or in movement. As such, clothing becomes a critical component in your care.

The second most common variant is in the way you feel after care. As the goal of medical massage is to correct distortions, in addition to relaxing the body and reducing muscle tension, most patients begin to recognize changes in the level of inflammation they are feeling, an increased sense of overall movement and ranges of motion, less disruption in gait dysfunctions or even dizziness, as well as the reduction of severe pain and or symptoms associated with conditions like disc herniations, frozen shoulders, twisted rig cage, nerve pain, and even plantar fasciitis.

This leads to the most important difference. Unlike traditional relaxation massage sessions, medical massage when performed by a physician is geared to the treatment of all kinds of conditions not traditionally considered treatable with massage and body work. Conditions related to vascular, lymphatic, digestive, neurological, sleep disorders, balance, anxiety, true orthopedic complaints and so much more. It is the deep understanding of physiology and pathology, and underlying mechanisms of healing and restoration that allow a physician to make such unique and inspiring changes in a person’s health.

While not everyone requires medical massage, consider scheduling a session with Dr. Moses to understand better how this unique type of care could potentially help you or even a loved one.